Spring and Summer Annuals
Esperanza This is one tough plant, thriving in sun and heat! Grows 4'x4'. |
Ferns Boston, Macho, Kimberly Queen to name a few, all give a lush tropical look during the warm seasons. |
Geraniums Huge flower heads give exceptional color all season long. An old favorite! 12"x18" tall. |
Gerbera Daisy Large daisy blooms in all colors perform year after year in a well drained sunny spot. |
Ginger Lovely accented foliage. Green version has scented blooms. Multiplies! |
Gomphrena Exceptional resiliance! Starts blooming and never looks back! Sun/part-sun 10"-15". |
Hamelia Patens High nectar plant attracting hummers and butterflies. Semi-tropical loves sun and heat. |
Heliotrope Fabulous scented, tender perennial. Best in part sun. Grows 1'-2' tall. One of our favorites! |
Hibiscus (Tropical) Large blooms from May to Fall. Thrives in sun and heat. Protect from cold and frost. |
Hypoestis(Polka Dot) Colorful leaves mixes well with other shade loving annuals. Grows 12" tall. |
Impatiens Masses of color in mixes or solids. Use in pots or beds in shade to part shade. 12"-15" tall. |
Ice Plant A tough, trailing succulent that loves the summer heat and withstand most winters. |
Indoor Ivy English and Pothos are the most common houseplants. Purifies the air inside. |
Lantana A true butterfly attractor, there are many types, annual and perennial. Both love sun and heat! |
Lobelia A true blue, low spreading. Best for pots or borders in shade. Grows 4"-8" tall. |
Mandevilla Fast growing tropical vine. Sun and heat loving. Exceptional bloomer! |
Marigold Sun loving happy flowers! Use in mass plantings, pots, even in vegetable gardens to repel bugs. Grows 8"-24" tall. |
Moon Vine Opens evening to give you a lovely scented night. Fast growing. Best in part sun. |