Bulbs & Rhizomes

These examples are just a small fraction of plants we carry. From the uniquely interesting, the hard-to-find exotics, and everything in between, grown mostly on site. We strive for the best variety and quality our customers demand.

caladiums, plants, bulbs, rhizomes, louisiana, nursery


These are grown for their spectacularly colorful foliage.  They dazzle in shade gardens here in the South with their large, pointed arrow-shaped leaves splashed with shades of green, white, cream, pink and red.

bearded, iris, plant, bulbs, louisiana, nursery,

Bearded Iris

The iris family is among the most elegant yet easy to grow additions to any garden.  They are so dependable and come in so many sizes and colors you won’t just want one.

This plant attracts butterflies.This plant attracts hummingbirds.


Tulips are often one of the first flowers of Spring.  They require a cooling period of up to 8-12 weeks.  Place them in your crisper opposite your apples and onions.  Wait to plant as late as Valentine’s Day to get an Easter Tulip Show!

This plant attracts butterflies.This plant attracts hummingbirds.