Approximate Coverage of Hard Goods
1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet
9- 3 cubic ft. bags =1 cubic yard
1 cubic yard covers 105 sq. ft. @ 3” depth
1 cubic yard covers 160 sq. ft. @ 2” depth
1 cubic yard covers 325 sq. ft. @ 1” depth
1 bag (3 cubic ft.) covers 12 sq. ft. @ 3” depth
1 bag (3 cubic ft.) covers 18 sq. ft. @ 2” depth
1 bag (3 cubic ft.) covers 24 sq. ft. @ 1” depth
Peat Moss (3.8 cubic ft. bale):
1 bale covers 50 sq. ft. @ 1” deep
1 bale covers 100 sq. ft. @ 1/2” deep
Mix with existing soil.
Cotton Burr Compost:
1 bag (2 cubic ft.) covers 8 sq. ft. @ 3” depth
1 bag (2 cubic ft.) covers 12 sq. ft. @ 2” depth
1 bag (2 cubic ft.) covers 16 sq. ft. @ 1” depth
1 bag of Gypsum for every 1000 sq. ft. for heavy clay soil.